Source code for bitorch.layers.qconv2d

"""Module containing the quantized 2d convolution layer"""

from typing import Optional, Any, Type, Union

from torch import Tensor
from torch.nn import Conv2d, init
from torch.nn.functional import pad, conv2d

from bitorch import RuntimeMode
from bitorch.quantizations import Quantization
from .config import config
from .extensions import DefaultImplementationMixin
from .qactivation import QActivation
from .qconv_mixin import QConvArgsProviderMixin
from .register import QConv2dImplementation

[docs]class QConv2d_NoAct(Conv2d): # type: ignore # noqa: N801
[docs] def __init__( self, # type: ignore *args: Any, weight_quantization: Optional[Union[str, Quantization]] = None, pad_value: Optional[float] = None, bias: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """initialization function for padding and quantization. Args: weight_quantization (Union[str, Quantization], optional): quantization module or name of quantization function. Defaults to None. padding_value (float, optional): value used for padding the input sequence. Defaults to None. """ assert bias is False, "A QConv layer can not use a bias due to acceleration techniques during deployment." kwargs["bias"] = False super(QConv2d_NoAct, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._weight_quantize = config.get_quantization_function(weight_quantization or config.weight_quantization) self._pad_value = pad_value or config.padding_value
def _apply_padding(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor: """pads the input tensor with the given padding value Args: x (Tensor): input tensor Returns: Tensor: the padded tensor """ return pad(x, self._reversed_padding_repeated_twice, mode="constant", value=self._pad_value)
[docs] def reset_parameters(self) -> None: """overwritten from _ConvNd to initialize weights""" init.xavier_normal_(self.weight)
[docs] def forward(self, input: Tensor) -> Tensor: """forward the input tensor through the quantized convolution layer. Args: input (Tensor): input tensor Returns: Tensor: the convoluted output tensor, computed with padded input and quantized weights. """ return conv2d( # type: ignore input=self._apply_padding(input), weight=self._weight_quantize(self.weight), bias=None, stride=self.stride, padding=0, dilation=self.dilation, groups=self.groups, )
[docs]class QConv2dBase(QConvArgsProviderMixin, QConv2d_NoAct): # type: ignore
[docs] def __init__( self, # type: ignore *args: Any, input_quantization: Optional[Union[str, Quantization]] = None, weight_quantization: Optional[Union[str, Quantization]] = None, gradient_cancellation_threshold: Union[float, None] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """initialization function for quantization of inputs and weights. Args: input_quantization (Union[str, Quantization], optional): quantization module or name of quantization function to apply on inputs before forwarding through the qconvolution layer. Defaults to None. gradient_cancellation_threshold (Union[float, None], optional): threshold for input gradient cancellation. Disabled if threshold is None. Defaults to None. weight_quantization (Union[str, Quantization], optional): quantization module or name of quantization function for weights. Defaults to None. """ super().__init__(*args, weight_quantization=weight_quantization, **kwargs) self.activation = QActivation(input_quantization, gradient_cancellation_threshold)
[docs] def forward(self, input_tensor: Tensor) -> Tensor: """forward the input tensor through the activation and quantized convolution layer. Args: input_tensor (Tensor): input tensor Returns: Tensor: the activated and convoluted output tensor. """ return super().forward(self.activation(input_tensor))
class _QConv2dComposed(DefaultImplementationMixin, QConv2dBase): """ This class defines the default implementation of a QConv2d layer (which is actually implemented by QConv2dBase). To implement a custom QConv2d implementation use QConv2dBase as a super class instead. """ pass QConv2d: Type[_QConv2dComposed] = QConv2dImplementation(RuntimeMode.DEFAULT)(_QConv2dComposed) # type: ignore """ This class provides the current implementation of a QConv2d layer (which is actually implemented by :class:`QConv2dBase`). To implement a custom QConv2d implementation use :class:`QConv2dBase` as a super class instead. """